At Hunter Equine Connection, we provide a safe & positive environment for you to leave your problems behind & be in the moment with our beautiful horses.
We're On A Mission To Help You Feel Connected.
Live your life with purpose, inspiration
& happiness.

Meet Our Team
Finding success by connecting
people & horses.

Meet Jean Boyd
Founder and CEO of Hunter Equine Connection
My love for and understanding of animals is life-long. As a child, my first horse-based memory was of a neighbour’s pony named Natasha who was very sick. I would go every day & sit with her, sometimes having a nap with her. I can still remember the love & empathy I felt for that horse, I was hooked from that moment on.
I excitedly got my first horse, Joe, when I was 10 years old. He was my best friend who taught me so much about resilience, perseverance, love & patience. This, I believe, has given me the mindset for a wonderful life full of opportunities, love & empathy.
Fast forward 30 years, after a successful career as a Hairdresser, Colour Specialist, Salon Manager, Sales Representative, National Educator, Northern UK Education Manager, Salon Owner & my favourite role of all – Mother, I decided to find my true purpose, which led me back to my love for horses. I now have five beautiful herd members, three are enjoying a peaceful retirement from riding, my other two are my Equitation horses, both my Husband & I compete on them in our spare time.
I found my ‘heart horse’, Rosie, in 2018. Through my journey with Rosie, I became intrigued with how she reacted to my energy, and how I had to listen to her needs. Rosie has been my teacher, and I can never lie to her...
Based on my experience with Rosie , I began to research how I could work with my horses to help other people. Having spent the last three decades listening to many incredible human stories, within the service industry, I believe I have a passion for listening & helping people achieve their heart felt goals. This led me to ‘Equine Connection’ skills development program, which I graduated as an Equine Assisted Facilitator from in October 2020.
I believe that as sensitive prey animals, horses have exceptional senses, and can feel what you have to offer, regardless of any exterior fronts you are presenting. Horses can teach us to be better humans – as parents, family members, leaders and teammates. At the same time, a horse can be captivating to experience and spend time with on any level.
My passion is to help people discover their true selves through my beautiful horses. We provide a magical equine experience to small groups at our purpose built facility with our horses, in the heart of the beautiful Hunter Valley.

Sultana had a successful career on a Polo Team, she then became a trail riding horse & taught many young riders how to ride. Our girl is also a movie star, she was used on Water Diviner, keep a lookout for her “Widow Maker” was her name in the movie.

Diva has had a great life competing in endurance, team penning & pretty much anything that requires speed. She is now fully retired & ready teach her humans.

Dude is our smallest & cheekiest of our herd.

Taylor is our big strong girl with a heart of gold. When she’s not helping out with our humans she is being trained for Equitation.

Rosie has had a super exciting life, before joining our family she was owned by racehorse trainers, many time our Rosie was clerk of the track & helped to calm down the thoroughbreds on the track. She now competes in Equitation & dressage. Rosie is Jean's heart horse & riding horse.

Brandy is our beautiful big, thoroughbred, bred for speed, from the world famous Coolmore Stud. Her career started as a racehorse, broodmare & then trail riding horse, she now loves her retirement & teaching people.